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Breeds: Affenpinscher!!

Did you watch the Westminster Kennel Club dog show last night?? If not, you missed the winner of Best in Show, Banana Joe!! Banana Joe is a Affenpinscher, a breed we don't see too many of so I thought I would talk a little about the breed today. 

The Affenpinscher is a wonderfully funny dog who lives up to his nickname of “mustachioed devil.” He thinks he’s a big dog and he is undoubtedly a great watchdog with his alert nature. He’s a bit small for households with young kids, but a smart and athletic companion who will keep your home rodent-free.

The Affenpinscher is more than just a pretty face. The moustachioed little devil, as he’s nicknamed in France, has a bold manner that makes him a favorite of people who want a small dog with a “big dog” attitude. He has terriers in his family tree and got his start as a ratter in Germany.

The Affenpinscher gets up every morning and puts on his game face. He’s not afraid of anything or anyone, and his alert nature makes him an excellent watchdog, even if his size renders him incapable of actually doing much in the way of protection. Toward his family and friends, he’s loving and loyal. Toward mice, rats and other vermin, well, let’s just say he’s more than capable of keeping your home rodent-free.

This is an inquisitive and intelligent little dog. He’s generally quiet, but anything or anyone who seems threatening will set him to barking a warning. When it comes to big dogs, he has no sense and will take them on at the least opportunity. In these cases, it’s essential to protect him from himself.

Exercise is good for every dog, so make sure the Appenpinscher gets a walk or other activity daily. His athletic ability and intelligence make him a contender in dog sports such as agility, obedience and rally. When it comes to training, he’s more tractable and obedient than some toy breeds. Keep learning fun and use positive reinforcement techniques, never force.

While it’s tempting to carry this little dog everywhere you go, resist the impulse and let him be a dog. He'll be happier and better-behaved for it.

The Affen has a rough coat with a “cape” at the neck and shoulders, Groucho Marx eyebrows, and a beard. He needs some plucking and trimming to maintain a shaggy but neat appearance. Ask your dog’s breeder to give you lessons in how to groom him or study the directions provided on the website of the Affenpinscher Club of America.
Affenpinschers are companion dogs. They need to live in the house, never outdoors.

Other Quick Facts
·        The German word Affenpinscher means “monkeylike terrier,” not necessarily because they resembled monkeys but because they often performed with organ grinders in much the same way as an organ grinder’s monkey might have done.
·        The Affenpinscher is distinguished by a beard and mustache, bushy eyebrows, a stiff wiry coat, ears that can be cropped or natural, and a tail that can be docked or natural.
·        The preferred color in Affenpinschers is black, but the dogs can also be black and tan, silver-gray, red, and mixtures of these colors.

All information is from VetStreet

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